Sobha Prelaunch Projects Panathur

Sobha Neopolis is a 3 and 4 bedroom apartment near eco-space Panathur, Bangalore. Great building in immortal Grecian style. SOBHA Neopolis offers luxury houses and many up-to-date conveniences designed for all age groups. Located near Panathur away from Marathahalli – ORR, this sprawling Greek themed town offers eternal trip to Mediterranean.

One of the most preferred residential areas in Bangalore is Panathur Road. One of the nicest areas of the city, very convenient and excellent communication. This is the ideal place of abode for the city’s workforce since the Outer Ring Road IT Corridor is a stone throw away.

The project is located next to the best schools, clinics, tech-parks nearby Panathur Main Road. The forthcoming lines of Metro will boost commuter network in the area substantially. This location is close to ORR and OMR. The project site is located just twenty minutes away from the ITPL Tech Park. From this place, it would take 45 minutes to travel 38 km to the Bangalore Airport.

Beyond its immediate appeal, Sobha Neopolis presents a compelling investment opportunity. With Bangalore's rising real estate market and Sobha Limited's reputation for delivering quality projects, investing in Neopolis becomes a strategic choice for those looking for long-term value and returns.

šomēnes izlasītās publikācijas
pēdējā aktivitāte pirms
4 mēneši
novērtētās publikācijas
kopā izteikti komentāri
lasot sadedzinātas
0.000 KCAL



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